
camp_program_sipoo_sea_view(2).pdfScout cabin KorpirauhaThe medieval town of Porvoo is situated in the river delta.

Preliminary program

Monday, July 22nd, getting acquainted and settling down.


Tuesday July 23rd, country presentations begin, walks in the neighborhood, games.


City of PorvooWednesday, July 24th, an environmental workshop in the morning, in the afternoon a trip to a scout cabin in the forest, a tent sauna, swimming in a lake, pancakes and grilling sausages on open fire.


Thursday, July 25th, country presentations in the morning, a boat trip to an island in the afternoon, swimming in the sea and a nature trail.


Friday, July 26th, a trip by public transport (bus and metro) to Uutela nature reserve by the sea, swimming and sunbathing on the so-called Aurinkolahti (Sun Bay) Riviera. Country presentations in the evening.


Saturday, July 27th, Amazing Race Helsinki


Sunday, July 28th, a trip by bus to Loviisa, a small town on the east coast and from there a sailboat trip in the archipelago.


Pornaistenniemi, a bird-lover’s paradiseMonday, July 29th, country presentations in the morning, in the afternoon a trip by bus to Porvoo, a historical town with cobbled streets, lovely old houses and plenty of small shops. Also, a stop at candy factory Brunberg!


Tuesday, July 30th, a trip to a nature reserve, a bird-lover’s paradise, in Helsinki, shopping at Mall Tripla in the afternoon.


Wednesday, July 31st, host families come to spend the afternoon, in the evening a farewell party, karaoke and all sorts of fun.


Thursday, August 1st, farewells, shuttles to the airport.